Sure, why not have custom jewelry created for dentists ? People who work in this profession are sometimes looked at with amused tolerance, if not downright fear and loathing. I think they deserve their own jewelry! Take the tooth fairy pendant for instance. She is a symbol for many people of growing up, losing teeth and finding that shiny quarter under the pillow. This is a symbol the dentist deserves. She’s sweet, cute and brings good things.
If you’ve been subjected to a root canal, a painful filling, or (heaven forbid) a tooth extraction, you know the impossibility of being looked upon with affection if you’ve made dentistry your profession. Think how it must feel for the dentist having patient after patient enter his or her office, a frown on each one’s face, dreading the moment when you ask them to “open wide.”
So why jewelry for dentists? Look, I think it’s a wonderful idea. I have nothing but respect for my dentist, and I think she should wear a lovely little symbol of joy.
And no, I’m not being facetious. If I spent my day with my gloved hands inside one person after another’s mouth, I’d feel like I deserved something special. And I’m not just talking about the dentist, mind you. I’ve had lots of lovely hygienists work on my mouth
as well. It’s dirty, hard and often thankless work. So when was the last time you actually thanked your hygienist or dentist for a job well done?
It doesn’t have to be expensive; I’ve seen pewter dental lapel pins that communicated with humor the appreciation felt for keeping a toothsome mouth. You don’t have to go out and buy your dentist a diamond ring!
You’re thinking “Is this guy serious? Buy my dentist a thank you gift?” Well, I am and I’m not. If you have an appointment near the holidays, why not present him or her with something fitting, something personal, something lovely? Yes, dental jewelry! Stranger things have happened, you know. But now that I know such a thing exists, and how fitting it is, I think I shall have to go out and purchase something for the entire staff at my dental clinic.
If not the tooth fairy, then maybe a smiling tooth pendant, or a dental name tag. There are more possibilities than you probably ever conceived of in this rather large niche of dental jewelry. Really!